I’d be lying if I said this trip wasn’t the hardest I’ve ever taken to date. Seems a plethora of things have gone sideways- starting with the airline that lost my bag for 5 days, errors in booking flights and hotels because I don’t understand what day it is, to getting dropped off in a village in 100 degree heat, unable to find my Airbnb (wrong address was listed), wandering the streets crying, then bending down to adjust my too heavy pack and ripping my pants (swipe right if you don’t believe me).
But then I find this new fruit I never tried before, or a bilingual angel appears from a hidden restaurant to translate to your Airbnb and help you find a taxi, or you see animals living a life they should, and my heart is back to addicted again. .
It’s this crazy thing, travel. It breaks you and makes you question all your capabilities and loneliness and then opens you up all over again to experience things in a new light and appreciation. It’s weird. And wild and scary and challenging and freeing all at the same time. It’s my drug of choice, and I wouldn’t change it for anything else in the world.
#bambooisland #bambooislandkrabi
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