If you’re getting a little dizzy from Imperial-this, Hapsburg-that, then take a short trip out to the #Hundertwasserhaus for a little cranial retuningThe collage of colors isn’t quite as striking as in years past – city pollution has dampened the bright colors and turned the white into a dirty shade of light grey. Nevertheless, the whole construction remains a colorful antidote to modern architectural practice #hunderwasser #travelmethat #travelingpost #ladiesgoneglobal #travelaroundtheworld #girlswhotravel #femmetravel #TheTravelWomen #travelinladies #iamtb #thediscoverer #sheisnotlost #travelingpost #TheWanderingTourist #travelgirlsgo #travelslifee #womenwhoexplore #dametraveler #SidewalkerDaily #IamATraveler #travelinladies #TheTravelWomen #amazingworldtravels #amazingworldtravelers #wonderfuldestinations #Best_worldplaces #loves_landscape #solotravelingisfun #pigeonroute #myvoyage #bnesimppl #vienna