Some cerebral breeze for tonight. .
Same anatomies. Different souls. Assorted minds. Vortex of emotions. .
Trillions of people, diverse shades. Everyone has a signed mind and a signature soul. Distinct from the rest. With every step we tinkle, we see different shades of energies, emotions around us, including ours. We experience different cluster of souls walking around us, or colliding with us. .
Have you ever experienced an overwhelming feeling of being attacked by a sea of ripped narcotic emotions, not necessarily your own but a sensation unknown to your soul? Have you felt drained in the presence of someone you just had a fleeting glimpse of ?
How do you deal with it? .
Few months back, I experienced the same. I was down, wanted to uplift my energies so went for a movie night with some friends. Ironically, I opted for a haunted one. Bad choice. Nevertheless, took my usual bus from my office to my home. Entered the bus.. felt a ghastly prick. There was just a girl on that bus. Felt pretty weird. Sat down and in a fraction of a second started to experience, a feeling that I have never been able to crack till now. A stomach-churning drain of energies ! The feeling of being sucked into a tornado. .
These kind of negative energies are easy to attract. Especially if you are a lighter soul. Hence, always try to vent out subtracting emotions , and absorb refreshing ones. Those who try to slurp you out… keep a distance. ..
I kinda lost track of my train of thoughts here. .
Anyway you got the message. Goodnight đ love and light #bnesimppl