What’s the most ridiculous fight you’ve seen (or participated in) on the Internet? I…

What’s the most ridiculous fight you’ve seen (or participated in) on the Internet? I…

What’s the most ridiculous fight you’ve seen (or participated in) on the Internet? I…
What’s the most ridiculous fight you’ve seen (or participated in) on the Internet? I peaked today, and I’m not sure I’ll ever engage in something more ridiculous. .
For the record, I never fight about anything, with anyone, particularly on the Internet. But last night my friend tagged me in a comedians sketch about Diet Coke being life and that “The Big Water wants you to think it’s bad for you”. I made some joke about water, my friend confirmed it was propaganda. This morning I woke up to a random stranger commenting on our thread about how stupid we were to deny water is life, continued on about our stupidity, and followed it up with, I quote “you can’t publicly announce you hate water.” I laughed so hard I peed straight Diet Coke in my panties.
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