Wrapped up an incredible first month of 2019 with a breathtaking hike in beautiful Marin County yesterday morning. 10 miles, 3 different eco systems, caught up with an amazing friend from high school @classickmar and shared some pretty epic levels of endorphins.
If I could bottle up the way hiking makes me feel and find a way to distribute it for free to those battling mental health issues world wide, I would. Unfortunately, we arenât there yet. I can; however, continue to share my personal experiences and what I do on a regular basis to generate more of those FEEL GOOD vibes, in hopes that it will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone, get up from behind that desk and get moving, outside!
Did you know?
Research shows that people who spend more time in nature are up to 50% more effective when it comes to problem-solving tasks.
Research also shows that people who hike regularly, have a decrease in obsessive thoughts.
I can personally vouch for how hiking has helped change my entire outlook on life. I feel better daily, have less stress, much fewer negative thoughts throughout the day, Iâm excited to wake up each morning, constantly feel better about myself and most importantly, itâs helped me connect with others (many of you) on a new level.
Positive mental health, doesnât come as easy for some of us as others. It takes work. It takes repetition. It takes forcing yourself to be open to trying new things and I can promise you, hiking can be one of your secret weapons.
#unlikelyhikers #findyourhike #alltrails #hikemoreworryless #idhikethatcrew #bnesimppl #nature #anxiety #mentalhealth #selfcare #timetotalk #inspire #livehappy