Qualcosa di colorato per rallegrare la settimana di tutti. Sentite le vibrazioni della California qui? In realtà...

Something colourful to brighten up everyone’s week. Feel the California vibes here? It actually…



Something colourful to brighten up everyone’s week. Feel the California vibes here? It actually…
Something colourful to brighten up everyone’s week. Feel the California vibes here? It actually Seminyak, Bali, probably the most modern and commercialised part in Bali. Seminyak is not very big so travelling is easy and cheap either by walking, renting a motorcycle or just call a taxi via uber or grab. My most expensive grab fare within this part of town was only IND17k which is like SGD1.70/US$1. Taking the Grab taxi to the international airport costs me only 30k/S$3/US$2.

Display of bnesim eSIM interface showcasing various connectivity options and user-friendly features.

Un'unica eSIM, copertura globale Non dovrai più passare da una eSIM all'altra!

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Applicazione eSIM BNESIM
Il modo semplice e veloce per gestire le tue eSIM
Five gold awards against a white backdrop, highlighting the recognition as a five-time World Travel Tech Awards winner, 2024.
BNESIM è il vincitore del World Travel Awards

"Migliore SIM per viaggi al mondo"