Dzis na ulicach Phnom Penh spotkaliśmy sporo bardzo młodych mnichów. Oni pili kole, jedli smakołyki, robili sobie selfie, czytali coś z telefonu i notebooków i po prostu się bawili… Byli po prostu dziećmi . Сегодня на улицах Пном Пеня встретили очень много молодых монахов, которые резвились, пили колу, ели всякие вкусности, делали себе селфи и…
Asbad/Windmill of Hozdar near Burnt City/Shahre Sookhteh in Sistano Balouchestanآسبادهای حوض دار سیتان نزدیک شهر سوخته)It has 2800 years oldness and Sistanians from Iran were the first ones that they could seal up wind no Holland/Netherland…Because Sistan has hard wind for 120 days from 2800 years old until now and Sistanians could seal wind and…
#Prága #2018 #praha #winter #vsco #vscocam #sun #bnesimppl
#Istanbul #turkey #???????? #土耳其 #伊斯坦堡 #holidays #taiwan???????? #travel #backpackers #adventuretime #背包客 #igerstaiwan #amazingtaiwan #taipeitravel #iamtb #travelrepost #bnesimppl #turkeytravel #travelturkey #istanbultrip #istanbultravel #türkey #amazingturkey #turkey_shot #turkey_home #turkey???????? #backpackerlife #igersturkey #iloveturkey #kızkulesi
A stark contrast to the city jungle, the countryside is a place of peace and nature. While it may not be a place where you’ll be able to find excitement or fancy stores, it’s a great place to relax quietly and enjoy the natural side of life. . . . . . #theglobewanderer #eclectic_shotz #pgdaily…
#newyorknewyorklasvegas #vegas #travel #bnesimppl