EU mobile roaming charges: roam around Europe consciously


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Europe: a dazzling destination

A Mediterranean sunset, a fairy-tale castle, glorious mountains and heavenly beaches, artistic and culinary diversity. A trip to Europe can provide experiences and memories to last a lifetime and, from June 15, 2017, EU citizens have one more reason to hop on a plane and visit a European capital: EU mobile roaming charges have been scrapped.

 EU mobile roaming charges: roam around Europe consciously

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Europe: a dazzling destination

A Mediterranean sunset, a fairy-tale castle, glorious mountains and heavenly beaches, artistic and culinary diversity. A trip to Europe can provide experiences and memories to last a lifetime and, from June 15, 2017, EU citizens have one more reason to hop on a plane and visit a European capital: EU mobile roaming charges have been scrapped.

From June 15, 2017, EU citizens have one more reason to hop on a plane and visit a European capital: EU mobile roaming charges have been scrapped.

EU mobile roaming charges have been scrapped. What does that mean? Basically this:

EU citizens traveling within the EU will be able to make and receive calls, text and use their data at the same price they pay at home. “Roam like at home”, the brand new shiny regulation passed by the EU, has banned the roaming charges, the astronomical extra charges applied by network providers when a phone is used outside its home country. This means holiday makers have no longer to worry about unexpectedly huge phone bills after traveling within the EU.

Holiday makers have no longer to worry about EU roaming charges after traveling within the EU.

Are all phone companies offering this?

Yes. It’s an EU regulation, so they have no choice when it comes to ditching EU mobile roaming charges. However, many users may still be hit by unexpected bills, with operators providing different levels of geographical coverage and “fair use” policies meaning using amounts of data might cost you a small fortune (so it’s probably not wise to use the data to download a movie).

Are all phone companies offering this? Yes. It's an EU regulation, so they have no choice when it comes to ditching EU mobile roaming charges.

So which countries can I use this in?

Anywhere which is included in the European Union, but it’s worth finding out what is and isn’t Europe to the big network providers. Travelers need to be careful about using their phones in some non-EU countries like Switzerland, Norway, Gibraltar, and Iceland.

Travelers need to be careful about using their phones in some non-EU countries like Switzerland, Norway, Gibraltar and Iceland.

What are the solutions?

If you plan to visit Europe and you don’t wanna miss the chance to share its iconic beauty with your family and friends at home, “BNESIM Surf Europe Unlimited” is the solution. Stop counting the Megabytes, stop chasing your network provider to find out if the countries you’re planning to visit are covered by the EU mobile roaming charges abolishment. “BNESIM Surf Europe Unlimited” provides unlimited Internet in 31 countries in Europe, including those which are not part of the EU such as Switzerland, Norway, Gibraltar, and Iceland, at 35€ per month.
Do you have travel companions? “BNESIM Surf Europe Unlimited” can be purchased also as a bundle of 10 SIM cards. It’s the perfect solution for very big families, companies, groups of travelers and even resellers.

Stop chasing your network provider to find out if the countries you're planning to visit are covered by the EU mobile roaming charges abolishment.

To find out more about BNESIM Surf Europe Unlimited, click here:

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