How to avoid Roaming Charges by Using a Virtual SIM Card


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It is common knowledge all around the world that is better to avoid answering calls when abroad. Almost all the tourists is used to remove their own sim card from the phone as soon as they land in a foreign country to avoid roaming charges.
But no one likes to be unreachable on their existing mobile number while they are travelling internationally. If you reached this page surely you are one of the most smart travellers, looking for a way to avoid roaming charges when abroad.
With BNE SIM it is possible and even easy to travel the world without making the mobile operators rich. Here is how to avoid roaming charges by adding your mobile number to your BNE SIM so you can be contacted on it, everywhere in the world.

Step 1: get a BNE SIM

Avoid roaming charges by using BNE SIM abroad
First step is obvious and easy: to temporary move your mobile number on a virtual SIM, you need a virtual SIM! Claim your free trial and get:

  • 50 minutes of free international calls
  • one phone number from your country. It is exactly as any other landline numbers, so anyone can reach you for free or almost, depending to your country operators’ tariffs. But it has something special: it will ring on your mobile phone everywhere you are. You can receive unlimited calls for free, regardless of where you are when you answer.
  • unlimited calls and video calls between BNE users. All the internal calls are in HD quality, fully encrypted and free.

The process to get a virtual BNE SIM is super fast. Fill the form for the free trial with your name and your mobile number (IMPORTANT: use the number that you want to make virtual) and select the country from where you wish to receive the new number (yours 🙂 ). We will not ask any other document neither your credit card. In less than one minute you will have your BNE SIM active on your mobile.
When installing the BNE application on your mobile, don’t forget to accept all the authorization requests that your Android or Apple phone will present to you at the installation: all of them are required to be able to make or receive calls and send text messages!

Step 2: make and receive calls without roaming charges

Receive calls on your mobile abroad without roaming chargesWe are sure you will want to test your new BNE SIM as soon as you will receive. This is why you will receive a welcome call in the first minutes after the installation of the BNE APP on your mobile phone. Don’t worry, we will not bother you with any question: the call is automatic and done just to confirm that everything is working perfectly.
Then try calling a friend on their mobile number: their phone will display your call as coming from your new landline number. And of course they can call you back on the same. For free!
Is it night and you need to test the BNE SIM without calling anybody? Just digit 222 and use our echo test to check the quality of the voice.

Step 3: forward your calls

This should be done just before leaving your country to avoid roaming charges. All the mobile operators allow the customers to enable the call forwarding of the incoming calls to another number. This is the trick to avoid any roaming cost.
Forward calls to BNE SIM to Receive call without roaming chargesEnable the call forwarding of your mobile number to your new BNE SIM number and you will receive all the calls for free when abroad. It is not difficult as you can think. Just digit from your phone dialer the code:
If, as example, your new BNE number is +44123456789, you will have to digit the code *21*+44123456789# (don’t forget the initial + in the number).
Your calls will immediately forwarded to your BNE application, usually for free. Some operators could charge you with the cost of the call from your mobile to the BNE number, which will be a national call, therefore cheap. Surely much cheaper than the roaming charges of receiving a call abroad without BNE.
When you will be back home, simply digit #21# and the call forwarding will be disabled.
Note: almost all the smartphones, Apple and Android, allow to activate the call forwarding directly from the “Settings” menu, without using any special code.

Step 4: enjoy your vacation!

Enjoy the freedom to make and receive calls when you want to. Don’t worry about any hidden cost: BNE is really transparent and cheap. You will only need to purchase a minimum top up of EUR 9 (around $10) every 6 months. With that recharge you will renew your phone number and you will receive other minutes of outgoing international calls.

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