We rely on our mobile phones for a lot during our day to day lives. We make purchases, track bills, and even stay updated on work assignments. And all that doesn’t have to stop just because you’re sleeping in a hotel room. Many people’s cell phones take on the role of digital assistant during trips and vacations. You can stay in touch with friends and family, your coworkers can still get hold of you, and you likely have Google Maps running permanently in the background.
So it’s safe to say when most people travel, their phone goes with them. But if you’re not loading your mobile up with the best travel apps, then you’re missing out on the opportunity to streamline your travel hassles even further, and save a few bucks while you’re doing it. Here are some examples of the handiest apps around that help you save major money when you’re on the road.
Trail Wallet
Sometimes all you need is a little help staying organized. A lot of the overspending on trips happens because people lose track of how much they’ve actually spent. Trail Wallet acts as an easy to use ledger book for you to quickly log all your expenses in one place for fast access. From this iPhone app you can categorize your money in a variety of ways.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to budget per day, Trail Wallet will let you know how much more you can spend before you’re over your daily budget. You can also organize your expenditures into graphs and pie charts to give yourself a more complete picture of where your money is going and how to keep your budget in check.
Trail Wallet also lets you track your money in any currency you want. So if your travels take you out of the country, you don’t have to mess about with exchanging numbers in your head. Simply add your purchases in whatever currency you made them with and then let the app worry about exchange rates for you.
Love tours but hate ticket prices? This app is a must have for the history freaks of the world. Detour offers you an audio tour of the city around you. The app sync with your location to keep the audio lined up with where you are actually walking so you don’t get lost. You can choose to keep the app all to yourself or synchronize your phone with someone else’s to share the fun.
This app is still growing so it won’t cover every area you travel to, but there are a lot of big destinations on its list of available tours, and the extra tours being added all come at the lovely price of free. Currently the app offers tours of many major U.S. cities as well as many European capitals like Rome and Paris. Tours are also available in different languages so you can go all out in Barcelona and tour the city in Spanish. But best of all, you’ll be getting the experience of a guided tour without having to spend any money (or waddle around with a pack of other tourists while you strain to hear the the tour guide over the chatter of the people around you).
BNESIM is a global SIM card company, but they also offer a free SIM app – with a virtual phone number – for iOS and Android devices. This app is one of the best ways to help you cut down on communication expenses while you’re abroad. It’s an app that essentially converts your phone into a dual SIM, allowing two separate numbers to exist in your mobile phone at one time. BNESIM gives you an international phone number and routes calls from your original number to your international one. This allows you to use your phone for talk and text in 165 different countries without worrying about roaming charges. All data is pay-as-you-go and your remaining balance is easily tracked by the app. You can top up anytime you feel like it and the data doesn’t expire, so it can roll over to the next great adventure you have planned.
Better yet, if you’re traveling with a group of friends or your whole family is tagging along, you can save even more. The BNESIM app offers you free texts and calls between app users, no matter where in the world you are. BNESIM also offers some pretty nice data packages for international travel, so you can stock up on affordable data to make sure you have access to all your favorite travel apps wherever in the world you end up.
So if you’ve got some big travel plans, be sure you stock up on phone apps as well. Sometimes they can be your best bet for managing your money on that dream vacation so that all you have to worry about is which fun excursion to choose next.