
Hanging out with the locals! #selfie #kangaroo #australia #wildlife #travel #traveler #travelling #instatravel #travelbug…
I fell in love with a city. Florence, Italy March 2016 #bnesimppl
一個人練習去旅行—科羅拉多大峽谷篇 自己1個出走得多 有時都會想有個旅伴結伴同行 (雖然我真係幾享受自己一個探索世界) 行程雖短+勞累 但坐係度欣賞大峽谷 完全感受到大自然既鬼斧神工 我決定考返個車牌 搵一年annual黎返個美國自駕遊先XD #我的青春壯舉 #bnesimppl
做成年都唔比Kansai longstay我 唯有自己catch flight黎玩 去神戶第3次 終於捨得黎同鐵人28打卡 #bnesimppl
A beautiful view of Table Mountain from Robben Island Prison
Hallstatt 2014 ️ . . #austria #österreich #see #lake #tirol #alpen #alpes #viaje #travel…
Quick bite before our gondola ride #pizza #deeppan #gondola #venice #italy #itsallaboutthefood #foodie #shotoniphone6…
I walked 5 hours just to find this BEAUTY