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How can I import my mobile number into the BNESIM App?

Importing your mobile number into the BNESIM App is simple! Just follow these steps:

  1. Register via WhatsApp or SMS: Start by registering for BNESIM using your mobile number through WhatsApp or SMS.
  2. Access Your Number: Once registered, your mobile number will automatically be added to the list of phone numbers you can use in the PHONE NUMBERS area of the Self Care.
  3. Set as Caller ID: If you want your calls to show your mobile number as the Caller ID, tap on your mobile phone’s card and select SET AS CLI.
  4. Add Multiple Caller IDs: You can also add additional Caller IDs to your BNESIM account, including another mobile number. The first Caller ID is free, and subsequent ones cost just €2 per year each.

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